Taking Fintech International Pays Off for Startups
Our Roundup of Cross-Border Thinking in the Fintech Sphere

If the potential of expanding your fintech startup’s vision to encompass the world was ever unclear, the $9 billion valuation of Stripe made it crystalline:

Massive Global Market Leads to High Valuation for Stripe

But how does a startup begin to think globally in the heavily-regulated financial arena? We asked MaRS Fintech Cluster director Dinaro Ly about the logistics of taking your fintech plans worldwide:

A “Global First Approach” For Growth Potential in Fintech

Rounding out our look at the worldwide market for fintech startups was our conversation with Tim Nixon of Payment Rails, which we started over on Facebook:


We concluded our Payment Rails conversation right here, finding out just how important partnerships with existing financial institutions worldwide are for a fintech startup:

Payment Rails Pushes Fintech Beyond Borders