220,000 workers needed: That’s how vast Canada’s tech skills gap could be by 2020, according to Canadian government and industry experts.
theBoardlist has launched in Canada. It’s a talent platform that engages the tech community to increase gender diversity on boards.
Joanne Fedeyko shares her 3 must-do tips to make the most out of conferences.
“I help people build trusted networks in the Valley,” says Fedeyko, who is now CEO of Connection Silicon Valley. “Whether you’re a startup, corporate, or someone in-between, think of me as your innovation partner who will help you navigate the Valley ecosystem.”
Not satisfied with establishing market dominance in just one area, forward-looking companies like Airbnb and Uber continue to explore new arenas of profit. Leveraging success into adjacent markets isn’t about making a complete pivot: it’s about applying your enterprise’s core competencies in a new way.
With great success comes great challenges, and GitHub has learned that lesson during the company’s explosive growth. TechPORTFOLIO talked to GitHub Project Manager Daniel Hwang about tackling growth challenges with strategy, long-range thinking, partnerships, and product “superfans.”
GitHub Inc., the web-based repository hosting service designed for developers to store, share, and collaborate on their work, has grown rapidly—and that comes with bottom-line costs. Most recently, as Bloomberg reports, GitHub took a $66 million hit in the first nine months of 2016.
The international vision of Toronto-based company Payment Rails has placed company founders Tim Nixon and Ferhan Patel at the cusp of a new movement: fintech startups who see the opportunity in a worldwide customer base. TechPORTFOLIO spoke to co-founder and CEO Tim Nixon about matching vision with execution on the world fintech stage.
Kiwi Wearable Technologies produces intelligent motion capture technology that analyses speed, direction, angle, and torque.
Ballooning costs make Silicon Valley more a suffocating than an energizing force. If you had the whole world, where would you place your startup?