Taking Strides Toward Gender Diversity in the Tech World
These Women, Groups, and Ideas Are Closing the Gap

As engineer Susan J. Fowler’s viral account of her year at Uber underlined, a lack of gender diversity and faulty HR policies can lead to a vastly flawed corporate culture.

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick replied indirectly to Fowler’s allegations with a company letter where he flagged stats of other leading Silicon Valley companies: Women make up less than 20 percent of technology teams at many, if not most, leading Silicon Valley companies.

Correcting imbalance and combating unacceptable behaviour are the responsibility of everyone in the tech industry. Right now, women are taking the lead. Whether through funding, advice, or mentorship, women are helping other women to thrive and succeed.

One of the keys to progress? Women funding other women:

The Clear Link Between VC Diversity And Success For Female Founders

But that’s not enough. VC firms often lack a female partner, which can create a culture of funding the familiar:

Propelling Tech Industry Success For Women: The Right Funders and the Right Insights

Building the ranks of female engineers and innovators starts with education. Organizations like Hackbright Academy are bridging the gender gap in tech through teaching:
